Our School » California Children's Services

California Children's Services

California Children Services (CCS) is a state program that coordinates and pays for medical or health problems for children with certain diseases or health problems.  Through this program, children up to 21 years old can get the health care and services they need. CCS will connect you with doctors and trained health care people who know how to care for your child with special health care needs.

How does a child get CCS?
A child gets CCS services if the child meets all four CCS eligibility rules:
1. Age eligible: the child is under 21 years old.
2. Medically eligible: the child has a physical disability or medical condition that is covered by CCS. This is called having a "CCS eligible condition." CCS covers many serious health and physical conditions. After careful study of the information we receive from your child's doctors, we decide if your child has an eligible condition. Ask us if you have questions.
3. Residentially eligible: the child lives with a parent or guardian who lives in Los Angeles County. Each county in California has a CCS program, and if you move to another county, we will help you transfer to that county's CCS program.
4. Financially eligible: The child has - Medi-Cal or - Healthy Families or - The family's adjusted gross income is less than $40,000 (if a family earns less than $40,000 but 200% above the federal poverty level, they will - The family earns more than $40,000, but would spend 20% or more on medical services for the child's CCS eligible condition without CCS.

What are Eligible Medical Conditions?
• Conditions involving the heart (congenital heart disease, rheumatic heart disease)
• Neoplasms (cancers, tumors)
• Diseases of the blood (hemophilia, sickle cell anemia)
• Diseases of the respiratory system (cystic fibrosis, chronic lung disease)
• Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases (thyroid problems, PKU, or diabetes that is hard to control)
• Diseases of the genito-urinary system (serious kidney problems)
• Diseases of the gastrointestinal system (liver problems such as biliary atresia)
• Serious birth defects (cleft lip/palate, spina bifida)
• Diseases of the sense organs (eye problems leading to loss of vision such as glaucoma and cataracts, and hearing loss)
• Diseases of the nervous system (cerebral palsy, uncontrolled epilepsy/seizures)
• Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (rheumatoid arthritis, muscular dystrophy)
• Severe disorders of the immune system (HIV infection)
• Disabling injuries and poisonings requiring intensive care or rehabilitation (severe head, brain, or spinal cord injuries, and severe burns)
• Complications of premature birth requiring an intensive level of care
• Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (severe hemangioma)
• Medically handicapping malocclusion (severely crooked teeth)
